Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unintentional Completion

Why yes, those are two tickets for the North Carolina PowerBall Lottery.

It's interesting. Sometimes, you embark on an effort like this...this list thing...and simply by writing it into existence, things start happening for you. Opportunities sprout from thin air like bean sprouts from the dirt. For example, this evening my mother and I went out to eat. After dinner, we ran by the gas station. Mom walks in the door and comes out with those!

Task #76. Check. Now if only those were the winning tickets!

In other news, in the next few days, there will be a new tab on the page. These daily quotes are hard to keep up with on the site. So, I'm gonna make a new Quote of the Day page. It will be updated once weekly with 7 new quotes. Simple as that! :)

Also, if you decide to start a list due to the discovery of this blog, please comment on a post and let me know! By doing so, you'll be helping me fulfill one of my tasks!

That's all for now. Take care!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Quote of the Day #5

"Hold onto each other tight. And make it count. Be kind. And respectful. And if you don't agree with something, either stick up for yourself, or remove yourself from the situation." -- Shelly Bort

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tumblin' On Through...

Task #23 has gone well this week. A full seven days worth of Tumblr tidbits. Feast your eyes on THAT mess!

In other news, preparation for Task #54: "Have a Yard Sale Before You Move to Pennsylvania," is under way. I cleaned SO MUCH closet last night. It was pretty fulfilling getting rid of the old clothes that are too big for me, considering most of them were purchased between the ages of 16 and 22. ::SIDEBAR: For those of you who don't know, I currently weigh 70 pounds less than I did in high school.:: So, I think I'll go ahead and mark #54 in BOLD FONT on that there List tab.

Quote of the day comin' atcha!

Quote of the Day #4:

::Looking at a sanctuary full of about 1,000 church-goers.::
Pastor Rob: "So, how many of you own or have owned a dog?"
::More than half raise their hands.::
Pastor Rob: "Ok. What about cats? Who has a cat?"
::Dog owners + 2/3 of remaining audience raise their hands.::
Pastor Rob: "...I'll pray for you."


Quote of the Day #3

Candace: "It'll be you and the ladies!"
Me: "Yep. Just me and the platonic, relative ladies!"
-- Discussing having a movie outing with our moms while she's in town.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Quote of the Day #2

"I hate to bug you about work when you don't even work here anymore. [Followed by uproarious laughter in the background.]" -- Irene ErkenBrack, on my voicemail.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Task #23: Revive Your Tumblr for At Least 6 Months

I'm not a blogger.

It's not in my blood.

However, when I discovered Tumblr, I leapt with joy. Tumblr is the non-blogger's blog haven. The site makes it so easy to just click a few buttons, write a few sentences and share your thoughts with the world in little snippets. Should be easy, right?


I'm terrible. The only website I visit with any sort of dependability is Facebook. This means Task #23 is going to be a beast. So, why not tackle it head on? That's just what I'm doing. And I'm doing it in a very organized fashion. Each day will have its own theme with extra posts thrown in, if I decide to put any more effort into Tumblr than the five minutes it takes for one post. The categories will go something like this:

Musical Mondays: I'll post lyrics, song bytes, or a review of one my favorite bands. Every Monday will be music to your ears.

Technology Tuesdays: Read about my new favorite gadgets, software apps, or fixes for computers, cameras, kitchens and more. Complete with a link to the website and/or item.

Wordy Wednesdays: Quotable quotes from wise men, song lyrics, books, random sites, and Tumblr reblogs.

Re-Blog Thursdays: I'll usually re-post something from one of the Tumblrs I follow. But this day could also bring posts from my favorite blogs of late, which will most likely come in the form of a link.

LifeHacker Fridays: Each Friday will bring a new weekend and a feature post from Several DIY projects, and other nifty tidbits will be coming your way.

Shutter Saturdays: You'll get a glimpse inside my photographic mind as I show you one of my own pictures every Saturday.

Streamin' Sundays: A viral video fix for the YouTube lovers and internet video addicts.

There you have it. Task #23 begins today. So head on over to my Tumblr and start reading!

Quote of the Day #1

"Sweep my mess away/Leave my body, leave my bones/Leave me whole and leave my soul/Leave me nothing I don't need at all/Nothing I don't need at all." --Johnny Flynn, The Box

Day 1

The time has come. I chose to start my list today [April 1]. It's still technically April Fool's in half of the U.S., so we'll say Task # 17 is already going swimmingly.

Here's a breakdown of the tasks I'm attempting to accomplish every day for the next 1001 days, in list order:

2. Drink only water with your meals.
3. Floss daily.
17. Make and maintain a 1001 Days blog.
79. Document 1 quote a day for 1001 days.
93. Call your dad once a week.

Now, I've already designated a small notebook for Task #79. But just so you can hold me accountable, I'm going to document the quotes on here as well. These can be anything from song lyrics to something the hick in front of me at Wal*Mart said. Whatever tickles my fancy. Each quote will have it's own post entitled, "Quote of the Day #[Insert number here.]"

I flossed after lunch, I've only had water ALL DAY, I called my Dad today, I'm TOTALLY blogging RIGHT NOW, aaaaaaaand...I'm about to hit you with a quote.

I think this is going to be fun.