Health and Wellness:
1. Eat only organic food for one month.
2. Drink only water with your meals.
3. Floss daily.
4. Complete the P90X Exercise Program.
5. Run every morning for 6 months.
6. Give up bread products for 3 weeks.
7. Do the Master Cleanse detox again.
8. Avoid elevators for one week.
9. Take a weekly bike ride during warm months.
10. Drop 20 pounds by December 31, 2010.
11. Gradually rid your diet of caffeine by 2011.
12. Go vegetarian for 6 months.
13. No alcohol for 1 month.
14. Commit to taking a daily vitamin for at least one year.
15. No sugar for one month. (Perhaps more than once.)
16. No Facebook for 1 week.
17. Make and maintain a 1001 Days blog.
18. No TV before 8 PM for 1 month.
19. Record 1 YouTube video a week for 6 months.
20. Purchase a Flip camera and record a short film with it.
21. Limit internet time to 3 hours a day for 1 month.
22. Design your own website.
23. Revive your Tumblr for at least 6 months.
24. Learn the essentials of recording music.
25. Vlog once a day for 1 month.
26. Compile an online photography portfolio.
27. Purge your computer once every 6 months.
28. Delete all superfluous online accounts by July 2011.
29. No texting for 1 week.
30. Purchase a new gadget upon completion of the Technology category.
31. Complete Tim's Top Tens.
32. Write 1 song a week for 3 months.
33. See 1 play a week for 1 year.
34. Read Shakespeare's Complete Works
35. Devote 1 afternoon a week to taking photos.
36. Take your camera with you as much as possible.
37. Watch all 10 2010 Oscars Best Picture Nominees
38. Collaborate with someone on a musical project.
39. See 1 concert every 6 months.
40. Complete 1 "art" project a month for 1 year.
41. Write a 10-Minute Play.
42. Appear in some capacity on a TV show.
43. Play guitar at least 1 hour a day, 5 days a week.
44. Enroll in an NYC dance course.
45. Attend South by Southwest OR Coachella.
46. Save 10 % of each paycheck in a CoD for 1 year.
47. Pay off at least 1 loan.
48. Secure a job as a freelance photographer.
49. Donate to a worthy cause.
50. Give a significant amount to a homeless person.
51. Save half your Summer income from Hershey Park.
52. Open a high yield savings account for New York City.
53. Save up for an Acoustic-Electric Guitar or Ukulele.
54. Have a yard sale before you move to Pennsylvania.
55. Meticulously document all tax-related material for 2011 taxes.
56. Take a trip with your brothers.
57. Ride the Maiden of the Mists.
58. Go back to Montana.
59. Visit Karla in Nashville.
60. Take a photo with the Sheldon, MN sign.
61. Paddleboat in Central Park...with a date.
62. Go to every park in Disney World.
63. Take a picture with the least popular statue in Madam Tusseaud's New York.
64. Vacation somewhere outside North America.
65. Go on a LEGIT camping trip.
Achievements & Awards
66. Receive an award in theatre or music.
67. Meet and record with Shelly Bort.
68. Appear Off-Broadway.
69. Appear On-Broadway.
70. Sing at Birdland.
71. Record a full-length album.
72. Obtain your Equity card.
73. Book a solo gig in New York City.
74. Get an agent by Spring of 2012.
75. Participate in a Writer's Night.
Just for Fun
76. Play the Powerball Lottery.
77. Audition for American Idol.
78. Meet someone famous.
79. Document 1 quote a day for 1001 days.
80. Grow out your hair for 1 year.
81. Obtain your CPR certification.
82. Take a 1 week vow of silence.
83. Learn German.
84. Get a tattoo for your mother.
85. Gamble in Atlantic City.
86. Befriend 1 stranger a week for a month.
87. Haggle with a vendor in Chinatown...and win.
88. Wake-up before sunrise for 1 week.
89. Join a dating sight for 6 months.
90. Complete some sort of food challenge.
91. Reconnect with 1 old friend a month for 1 year.
92. Trace your genealogical history.
93. Call your dad once a week.
94. Donate $5 for each incomplete task to Breast Cancer research.
95. Move to New York City by October 2010.
96. No cursing for 1 month.
97. Inform the Buried Life cast of your quest.
98. Play an original song in a Subway station.
99. Contact Tim and Jerome on day 1001.
100. Read the Bible from cover to cover.
101. Convince 5 people to make a list.